Working for You!
Since 1972, advocating for the rights and value of South Dakota state employees.
Become a Member Today

Becoming an SDSEO Member is Easy

As you've probably already discovered, becoming a state-employee member of the SDSEO is as easy as filling out and mailing or emailing a basic enrollment form. And the associate member form, which is for businesses and private individuals, is even more simple. UPDATE: there's a form at the bottom of this page that you can submit for questions about joining the SDSEO.

Also, if you have questions that cannot be answered by our brochure, or would like to speak with the executive director, please contact us in one of the following ways:

  1. SDSEO local chapter Ask a current SDSEO member, or contact one of the local officers. Chapter information.
  2. SDSEO main office Mail, phone, or stop by the SDSEO office in Pierre. We are located at 105 South Euclid, Suite C, in Pierre. And we also have an office in Sioux Falls, at 2500 West 49th Street, Suite 206. Our toll-free number is 1-800-257-3736. Our fax number is 1-605-945-0417. Main office information.
  3. Email Email us at


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