Working for You!
Since 1972, advocating for the rights and value of South Dakota state employees.
Category: Associate Member

SDSEO informational folders available

Friday, July 13, 2012
One of the things I've been doing over the past couple weeks is I've taken day trips east to west and north to south to distribute SDSEO informational folders. The folders' contents tell the story of the SDSEO: what we are, who we are, where we are, and what we do. Pretty much all of the folders' components have been posted here in Notes, but I thought I'd do an aggregate posting, so here are the contents of the folders:
  1. SDSEO newsletter
  2. SDSEO brochure
  3. Reinke Gray Investment Trust brochure
  4. "Accomplishments for You!" poster
  5. A letter from me
  6. An SDSEO Post-It pad or an SDSEO magnetic thermometer
  7. My business card
  8. A business reply envelope.
There are around 150 folders out there right now, and I'd like to have another 1,000 out in the next couple months. I have the contents; it's just a matter of arranging recipients. If you would like some to distribute, please contact me via email at or via telephone at 1-800-257-3736 or (605) 224-8241.

The three trips I've taken over the past two weeks have been pretty fast-paced, where I bring the folders and run through what the contents mean to potential SDSEO members and supporters. I've left from and traveled back to Pierre on each trip; there's plenty to do at the main office in Pierre, but I want to get out as often as I can or am asked to appear. If I haven't touched base with you, I probably will over these next couple months. However, if you don't hear from me, make sure you email me at or give me a call at 1-800-257-3736 or (605) 224-8241. The slogan on our material is "Working for You!", and I hold that close.
CategoriesAssociate Member, Lifetime Members, Member, SDSEO Office
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