Working for You!
Since 1972, advocating for the rights and value of South Dakota state employees.

How did you become an SDSEO'er?

Thursday, April 18, 2013
The SDSEO posted a poll question on our Facebook site today. The question was, "How did you get your SDSEO membership form to become an SDSEO member?" If you're a member, please head over to Facebook and take part in the poll. There are a couple "stock" answers, but you can add your own. The reason the question is there is to stimulate members into thinking about how they became a member, to think back to what made them commit to supporting themselves and their fellow state government employees. Ultimately, we'd like you to take the same action that led you to become an SDSEO member, to reach out to your fellow state employee before or after work or while at lunch, and encourage them to join you as an SDSEO member.

If you're an SDSEO member looking for a new member form, or if you're not yet a member but want to join, the membership form is here.

Categories: Facebook, Member
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