Working for You!
Since 1972, advocating for the rights and value of South Dakota state employees.

Two blogs about South Dakota politics

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I suppose one might consider this blog to be a political blog, inasmuch as pretty much everything that involves state employees involves politics, but I don't think Notes is at its core a blog about politics. To me, Notes is more a blog about the SDSEO and state employee issues. However, there are a couple political blogs I go to regularly. One thing to know about blogs is they are not "news"; there's more of the writer in a blogpost than there is in a news article (news articles generally go through an editor or two or three). Here's two blogs by South Dakota political reporters that I go to:

Pure Pierre Politics - Written by Bob Mercer, a longtime political reporter in South Dakota and the former press chief for Gov. Janklow. Mercer also does reporting for the Aberdeen American News; you can read his news pieces by clicking on the story titles at the right side of his blog.

Political Smokeout - Written by David Montgomery, formerly a reporter for the Rapid City Journal and now at the Argus Leader. He has some pretty good stuff there, and he seeks opinions and knowledge from his readers, so it's a good place to visit.

The South Dakota Retirement System board of trustees meets tomorrow at View 34 in Pierre. The meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. I'll be there, working for you.

Categories: Blogs, Media, South Dakota Retirement System
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